Inspired Loving

New self-guided course is out now!

I have a new self-guided course out!

It’s called Inspired Loving: Creating Unique Connections.

This course was born from my desire to live in a world where everyone has creative power in their relationships, where we’re all building relationships that fit our unique ways of loving and those of the people we love.

A world where it’s the norm to have conversations about what love looks like to us and what structures work for us.

A world where we don’t have to moralize different ways of loving because we trust that there’s enough love to go around.

The one-size-fits-all model of love doesn’t actually fit most of us. The good news is that once we clear out some of our deeply held and inherited beliefs around loving, all we really have to do to find out how loving works best for us is to listen. To touch into the intuitive, vast parts of ourselves that know how we best relate and connect to others, that know what kinds of love we want to create. Our intuition and our deep knowing are better guides for us than outside advice.

This course is built from my experience with this process. All of my years of feeling shame for wanting to love differently, feeling broken, and slowly learning to trust my inner voice. Lots and lots of trial and error of sharing what I want with other people, compromising and having things blow up in my face, and beautiful experiences of being seen and met in how I want to love.

This is a 3-part course, with an audio lesson and a written PDF for each session. The audios are around 15-20 minutes each, and each session includes “homework” exercises that help you go deeper into your personal knowing.

A brief overview of the sessions:

Part 1: De-naturalizing. We start by looking at the stories and beliefs around love that we grew up with, throwing out the ones that don’t resonate with us, and seeing which, if any, we’d like to keep. We’re working on building our intuitive muscles to determine what love stories and forms no longer fit us.

Part 2: Dreaming. Now that we’ve created some space, we dive fully in and dream. How would we choose to love if we had all the freedom in the world? We listen to our body, use our creativity, and give ourselves full permission to imagine.

Part 3: Sharing. Once we’ve identified what we want, how do we share it with others? How do we tend to our fears around sharing? How do we give form to the things we’ve learned?

This course is NOT prescriptive; it doesn’t say anything at all about certain relationship structures being good or bad or better. The whole point is to come out of it with a sense of what works uniquely for you. You could end up wanting the most normie relationship structure after taking this course; the difference is that this structure would be something you’re consciously choosing because you deeply know that it works for you, instead of just choosing it because it’s what everyone else is doing. Or, you could end up creating your own never-been-done before structure that fits you and your 3 best friends and your dog.

This course will live on my website forever, but the price will go up after this week. Right now it’s $30; it will go up to $36 on October 25th.

Please let me know if you have any questions!